Kraton Surakarta is a tourist attraction that is under the management of the Department of Culture and Tourism Surakarta is one tourist attraction that became a public visits should be intensified to provide quality service to the public with adequate facilities and affordability. Various attempts have been made in order to achieve the vision of the determined efforts of improving the quality of public service delivery, improve human resources, improving community facilities and comfort. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the impact of service quality on loyalty Kraton Kasunan visitors. The study population was Keraton Surakarta visitors in December 2014, so that there were 100 respondents who have been assigned to the sample. Testing of hypothesis showed that: tangible, reliability and responsiveness with significant influence on visitor satisfaction at Kraton Surakarta. Assurance does not have a positive and significant impact on visitor satisfaction at Kraton Surakarta. Empathy has a positive impact and no significant effect on visitor satisfaction at Kraton Surakarta. There is a significant influence simultaneously between independent variables consisting of: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and satisfaction with Visitor Loyalty in the Kraton Surakarta. Values R2 test results obtained by 0.99, or 99%. which means that the variability of the dependent variable that can be explained by the variability of the independent variable while the remaining 99% (1%) is explained by other variables not included in the regression model, for example environmental pathways, location.Keywords : quality of service, loyalty and satisfaction