Cumhur Ekinci and Oguz Ersan
Assuming that investors can be foreign or local, do high-frequency trading (HFT) or not, and submit orders through a bank-owned or non-bank-owned broker, we associated trades to various investors. Then, building a panel vector autoregressive model, we an...
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Galina Ilieva, Tania Yankova, Margarita Ruseva, Yulia Dzhabarova, Veselina Zhekova, Stanislava Klisarova-Belcheva, Tanya Mollova and Angel Dimitrov
The objective of this study is to investigate and determine factors influencing user perception and acceptance of electronic government services in the context of technological advancements. The research focuses on classifying the main features of e-admi...
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Krzysztof Drachal and Michal Pawlowski
This study firstly applied a Bayesian symbolic regression (BSR) to the forecasting of numerous commodities? prices (spot-based ones). Moreover, some features and an initial specification of the parameters of the BSR were analysed. The conventional approa...
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Okechukwu Enyeribe Njoku and Younghwan Lee
This study investigates the relationship between dividend policy, firm performance, and value within the Korean market, taking into account the unique context of Chaebol ownership structures. Utilizing a robust dataset of 5478 observations from the Korea...
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Adriana Burlea-Schiopoiu and Zineb Znagui
Globalization has led to a geographical concentration of economic activities, known as territorialized networks of organizations, especially technopoles. That is why the knowledge process takes on new dimensions and requires a multidimensional and dynami...
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