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Socio-economics characteristics and spatial persistence of homicides in Colombia, 2000-2010

Luis Eduardo Sandoval    


This paper studies the spatial effects of demographic changes, education conditionsand conflict situation on the spatial persistence in the municipal homiciderate in Colombia, as a result of shock increases in the displaced population andlocal residents between 15-29 years old, the education coverage, and the conflictactions. In order to do this, a temporal analysis of homicides rate during 2000-2010 is undertaken through the inclusion of temporal dynamic characteristicsin a spatial autoregressive model, a spatial weights matrix was constructed thatwas based on the distance travelled between near-by municipalities and thedepartmental capital cities which were defined as centroids, which standardizesthe municipal relationship that affects the demographic dynamics and socialconnectivity of the last decade that affects homicides and their temporal persistence.The results show that in some departments of the country there is spatialagglomeration in homicide rates in nearby municipalities but the spatial shockis low and disappears in time. Population changes due to forced displacementflows, greater density of young population and low coverage in secondaryeducation affect the diffusion and concentration of homicides in Colombia.

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