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Alesya Ishchenko    


The subject of research in the article is a segmentation module, created on the basis of a combined method of image segmentation, and embedded in an intelligent processing system for scanned documents used in the Odessa printing company ?Studio ?Print?. The aim of the work is to develop a module of image segmentation to improve the efficiency of the intellectual system of processing scanned documents at the printing company "Studio "Print". The combined method of image segmentation of scanned documents, which reduces the processing time of the image is used with this purpose. The article solves the following problems: analysis of existing methods of image segmentation, which are used in intelligent systems for processing scanned documents; development of procedures for the segmentation module based on the combined image segmentation method for an intelligent system for processing scanned documents. The work uses the following methods: methods of digital image processing, methods of filtering and morphological image analysis, methods of mathematical analysis, neural networks. The following results were obtained: The results of image processing using an intelligent system for processing scanned documents based on the proposed segmentation module confirm the operability of the procedures of the image segmentation module. The average processing time for images of scanned documents was 5.3 seconds compared to the previously obtained - 42 seconds, which allows to conclude that the efficiency of the investigated intellectual system for processing scanned documents is increased. Conclusions: The introduction of the developed image segmentation module into the intellectual processing system of scanned documents of the printing company ?Print Studio? reduced the processing time of images of scanned documents by 8 times while maintaining sufficient quality, which increased the efficiency of this intelligent system.

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