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Developing An Online Shopping Value Framework For Consumers Of Non-Store Fashion Brands

Nobukhosi Dlodlo    


The explosion of the Internet has considerably transformed the fashion industry, by providing a substitute for traditional retail marketing formats. As such, the theory on customer value has taken pre-eminence in determining consumers behavioural intentions. The main objective of this study was to examine the possible existence of relationships between consumer perceived value, attitudes and the related e-purchase consequence variable. The study followed a quantitative survey approach in which 206 experienced Internet users of online shopping in South Africa. Data were analysed through Principal Component Analysis using Varimax rotation, nonparametric correlation analysis and regression analysis. Three dimensions were extracted, namely: utilitarian value (?=.852), hedonic value (?=.901) and social engagement value (?=.925) in order of performance on the mean score ranking results. Moreover, the Pearson correlation results indicated that online shopping value dimensions positively influenced attitude and consequently, e-purchase intentions among shoppers. Furthermore, regression analysis results showed that brand attitude played an important moderating role between value and e-purchase intentions. The variables investigate in this study constitute a central differentiation factor which impacts on attitude evaluations, intention to purchase as well as the willingness to visit the website and share this experience with others. The study is important in that, at the micro-level, e-retailers can tailor the identified dimensions towards improving the shopping experience among specific online market segments. At the macro-level, identifying the online shopping value dimensions would provide fashion marketers with a basis for developing an inclusive marketing differentiation strategy for their non-store brands.

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