The uvaia tree (Eugenia uvalha Cambess) is an arboreal species of Mirtaceae family native to southern Brazil, also known as uvalha, uvaia-do-mato, or uvalheira. Its fruits can be consumed raw or in the form of juice, jams and sweet paste. The present study aimed to evaluate the proximate composition of uvaia fruits during the various stages of development. The experiment was performed at the Federal Institute of Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba Campus, following a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments (6 stages of development) and 3 replications. The moisture content at different stages of fruit development reached the highest level at Stage 4 (91.74%), and the lowest level at Stage 6 (87.02%). The protein, lipids, total carbohydrate, ash and fiber contents have increased between Stages 4 to 6 (fruit ripening), reaching levels of 1.36%, 1%, 10.18%, 0.36%, and 0 06% respectively at Stage 6.