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Performance Limits Study of Stencil Codes on Modern GPGPUs

Ilya S. Pershin    
Vadim D. Levchenko    
Anastasia Y. Perepelkina    


We study the performance limits of different algorithmic approaches to the implementation of a sample problem of wave equation solution with a cross stencil scheme. With this, we aim to find the highest limit of the achievable performance efficiency for stencil computing.To estimate the limits, we use a quantitative Roofline model to make a thorough analysis of the performance bottlenecks and develop the model further to account for the latency of different levels of GPU memory. These estimates provide an incentive to use spatial and temporal blocking algorithms. Thus, we study stepwise, domain decomposition, and domain decomposition with halo algorithms in that order. The knowledge of the limit incites the motivation to optimize the implementation. This led to the analysis of the block synchronization methods in CUDA, which is also provided in the text.  After all optimizations, we have achieved 90% of the peak performance, which amounts to more than 1 trillion cell updates per second on one consumer level GPU device.

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