The objective of this work was to identify, describe and characterize Cercospora sp. incident on sesame leaves. Samples of sesame leaves were collected in the city of Urutaí, GO. Samples of sesame leaves with leaf spots were analyzed under stereomicroscope, semipermanent slides were prepared showing signs of the pathogen. Morphological and morphometric characterization of plant pathogen fungi and macro and microphotography of the structures were realized. The isolate presented conidiophore of 187.9- (81.5) -25.5 x 8.4- (3.3) -1.2 µm, presented 1-8 conidiophores by sporodiochia, each conidiophore presented 1- 10 secession scars, the foot cell width of the conidiophore was 29.3- (15.7) -7.2 µm, the number of scar per conidiogenic cell ranged from 1-10 per conidiophore; The conidia showed septation of 3-14, and the dimensions varied 195.6- (88.9) -15.5 x 4.7- (2.3) -1.2 µm. Based on the frequency analyzes, the great variability in the data of conidiophore length, conidiophore width and conidium width were noted. The values of the conidium length had normal distribution, where there is a central tendency and a homogenous distribution for values smaller and larger than this amplitude found. Based on morphological and morphometric characteristics, the isolate found in Urutaí - GO was identified as C. sesami.