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Why a special look at women?

Truida Prekel    


AbstractWomen in employment in South Africa are viewed from four perspectives: The South African economy and its need for capable and skilled people; the employer and existing needs, practices and policies; the social environment at work and at home and typical traditions, misunderstandings, stereotypes and conflicts; and problems generally experienced by working women. Some statistics indicate trends regarding employment of women, also in management positions; the attention of employers is focused on many forms of unconscious, even well-meant discrimination; the role of culture in determining male and female attitudes regarding the roles of women, and the recent polarization of men and women due to extremism and lack of understanding, are discussed. The problems experienced by working women are mostly culture-based, but some are vested in the women themselves, and others in the environment. All these aspects must be understood by women and by employers if the vast potential of women is to be utilized in South Africa.Vroue in die arbeidsmag in Suid-Afrika word vanuit vier oogpunte beskou: Die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie en die behoefte aan bekwame, geskoolde mense; die werkgewer en bestaande behoeftes, praktyk en beleid; die sosiale omgewing by die werk en tuis en tipiese tradisies, wanbegrippe, stereotiepe en konflikte; en probleme wat algemeen deur werkende vroue ondervind word. Sekere statistieke dui neigings in indiensneming van vroue aan, ook in bestuursposte; werkgewers se aandag word gevestig op baie vorms van onbewuste, selfs goed-bedoelde diskriminasie; die rol van kultuur in die bepaling van mans en vroue se houdings oor die rolle van vroue word bespreek, asook die onlangse polarisering van mans en vroue weens ekstremisme en gebrek aan begrip. Die probleme wat werkende vroue ondervind, berus meestal op kultuur, maar sommige le in die vroue self, terwyl ander in die omgewing voorkom. Al hierdie aspekte moet deur vroue en deur werkgewers begryp word as die waardevolle potensiaal van vroue in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie benut moet word.

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