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A micro-model of managerial power

Andrew J. Templer    


AbstractIn this second article in a series of three on power, the general model of managerial power presented in the first article is expanded to cover the micro-level of power analysis. At this level the focus is upon the interpersonal power relationship between manager and subordinate. It is suggested that a key facet of the micro-model of managerial power is the concept of a psychological contract between manager and employee. It is concluded that management is only able to exercise power to the extent that employees perceive that the terms of their psychological contract have been honoured. In hierdie tweede artikel in 'n reeks van drie oor mag, word die algemene model van bestuursmag in die eerste artikel uitgebrei om die mikrovlak van magsontleding in te sluit. Op hierdie vlak val die klem op die interpersoonlike magsverhouding tussen bestuurder en ondergeskikte. Dit word aangevoer dat die begrip van 'n sielkundige kontrak tussen bestuurder en werknemer 'n sleutelfaset is van die mikromodel van bestuursmag. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat bestuurders alleen in staat is om mag uit te oefen in die mate waarin werkgewers van mening is dat daar aan die terme van hulle sielkundige kontrak gestand gedoen word.

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