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Vladimir Micic    


The fourth industrial revolution is about the development of Industry 4.0, the changing of the production paradigm and economic digitalization. The research subject are the development conditions of Industry 4.0 in the Republic of Serbia. The main research objective is to point out the importance of the efficient development of Industry 4.0 and the implementation of structural changes through the process of digitalization and application of technological innovation in the manufacturing industry. The method of analysis is used to identify the concepts of Industry 4.0 and the new industrial paradigm. The comparative method is used to compare technological criteria and changes. The development conditions of Industry 4.0 are analyzed indirectly through technological criteria and innovation, i.e. data obtained from survey on innovation, individual innovation and technology indicators and composite indicators. Industry 4.0 is an important factor in technological and structural change, economic growth and competitiveness. The research results show that the Republic of Serbia lacks incentives for the development of Industry 4.0. The research results are useful to industrial policy makers as they point to some of the key factors and directions of change to create the conditions for the development of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry and the digital transformation of the economy.

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