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A unique system of graduate management training for the working executive: An evaluation of success

Georg Marais    


AbstractThe UNISA School of Business Leadership offers a unique Master's degree in Business Leadership, training working executives in all parts of southern Africa by teletuition. An overview is given of the methodology and the activity span of the SBL. The article also covers a survey of MBL graduates, analyzing their career history including topics such as original academic background, current management and income levels, age, occupational mobility both intra- and inter-organizationally, years of experience before and after MBL studies, and academic performance in the MBL. The achievements of, and trends among MBL graduates are compared with information available on MBA graduates from two other South African business schools, and with similar research in the United States and Britain.Die Skool vir Bedryfsleiding van UNISA bied 'n unieke Meestersgraad in Bedrysleiding aan, wat werkende bestuurders in alle dele van Suider-Afrika deur afstands-onderrig oplei. 'n Oorsig word gegee van die metodologie en die aktiwiteitswydte van die SBL. die artikel dek ook 'n opname onder MBL-gegradueerdes, en ontleed hulle loopbaangeskiedenis aan die hand van aspekte soos oorspronklike akademiese agtergrond, huidige bestuurs- en inkomstevlakke, ouderdom, jare ervaring voor en na MBL-studies, beroepsbeweeglikheid sowel binne as tussen organisasies, en akademiese prestasie in die MBL. Die prestasies van, en neigings onder MBL-graduandi word vergelyk met beskikbare inligting oor MBA-graduandi van twee ander Suid-Afrikaanse sakeskole, en met soortgelyke navorsing in die Verenigde State en Brittanje.

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