Motivation is the base of all kinds of activities associated with any game. Without a sportsman's desireand determination to progress his/her performances, all other psychological factors such as confidence,strength, focus, and emotions are worthless. Empirical literature of health management indicates thatin sport activities, motivational factors are essential when attempts to sustain standards are made bysportsmen. As a result, knowledge towards sustainment of a sportsman's motivation turns into moreand more investigation in sport, in the form of both involvement and competition. The usually heldview is that motivation is either 'good' (intrinsic) or 'bad' (extrinsic). Though, this understanding islimited and promotes a mistaken understanding of extrinsic motivation and its unstable influences onsports participation. Intrinsic motivation is associated with the natural fun and enjoyment relatedwith sport participation. For example, some athletes naturally enjoy running fast or striking the ball'sweetly'. In contrast, amotivation is a lack of or decrease in motivation. In between these twoopposing forms of motivation is extrinsic motivation, which is generally related with the achievementof some goal, such as winning an Olympic Gold Medal. Thus, it becomes important to come across andunderstand these intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors that affect players' sports activities. Thepresent review focuses on studies related motivational factors that may be implicated in managementof health and wellbeing and gaining positive outcomes in terms of enhancing the quality of sportsactivity among players.