Solvency II is a European directive whose purpose is to update the regulations concerning the insurance market. This is more than a set of rules on the solvency of insurance companies and is a comprehensive set of rules on the entire insurance market from solvency, liquidity and information asymmetry between actors to an insurance transaction. The aim of this article is to present the implications of applying Solvency II in Romania and the changes that will occur on the insurance market. We also present the advantages of moving from the current regulation, namely Solvency I to Solvency II Directive, both by comparative analysis between both directly and through analysis of test results QIS5 applied in Romania. We will also show the current situation of the insurance market by emphasizing evolution and the solvency margin of solvency for the last six years from 2007, the year before the financial crisis and in 2012, the year for which there last available data.