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Analysis and Evaluation of Control System of Higher Education in Modern Conditions in Kazakhstan

U. Zh. Aliyev    
Ð.B. Uchkampirova    
G.A. Kojahmetova    
T.A. Azatbek    


 Abstract-This research paper seeks to study the status of higher education in Kazakhstan, experiencing a process of reform of the system, which is caused by internal and external causes. Internal causes related to the adaptation to market conditions of operation and development, external - with integration into the world educational space. Kazakhstan's education is associated with the development of the profound changes of the intellectual, cultural and economic potential. Education System Management - one of the most pressing problems, having a direct relation to the quality and efficiency of the educational institutions. The forms and methods of education management is largely dependent on the characteristics of the country's economic and cultural traditions, the specifics of government and, above all, related to the market economy. Optimization of educational innovation management requires a scientific and methodical study. In the study, there is the need to implement the following types of resources: information, technological, legal, financial, human, social [1].However, the focus on foreign models of educational process management excessively performed in the higher education system of Kazakhstan, there is a weak focus innovation on solving urgent problems of higher education, the lack of an integrated approach to the creation of educational innovation, which would provide them with the necessary resources, formed the optimal internal and external innovation environment that does not allow to create a balanced mechanism in the process of reforming the higher education system. The results of innovative practices show that higher education everywhere manifest social insecurity innovation. This is reflected in the growing gap in the interests of the major participants in the innovation process - the initiators, organizers and perpetrators; weakened by motivational resource of educational innovations, in particular, because of the unjustifiable expectations of the changes taking place; It is also seen social and technological insecurity educational innovation. This actualizes the problem of optimization of social management innovation in higher education [2]. Keywords: State obligatory standard of education, European Higher Education Area, National Testing Center, Higher Education, Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute, Akkreditierung für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik, International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education

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