Bacau public university, represented by the ?Vasile Alecsandri?University from Bacau, is the third such center in the region. With more than 7400 students, it represents 7.5% of North-East Region and 1.1% of the total country. The number of students registered in the academic year 2009/2010 a positive dynamic in total (11.9%, 792 students) than the previous year. For the university studies, the number of students increased by 5%, dynamics above average recording the Faculty of Sciences (58.3%), Faculty of Movement, Sports and Health (15.1%), Faculty of Economics (+ 13.3%). The students in the academic program stand for 73.5% of the total, from the masters programs 15.2%, from the postgraduate masters 9.2%, other postgraduate courses 1.5% and 0.6% doctoral school. In the last two years, over 3200 graduate students have completed the university.