The article deals with issues related to the use of data from telecommunications operators in transport planning. Recently, the penetration of mobile phones has ensured that it is the data collected by telecommunications operators becoming the main tool for measuring the movement of people in cities. It is no exaggeration to say that digital urban planning started with such data. It is that telecommunications operators naturally (for their own purposes of billing communication services) collect information about the presence of mobile devices in different areas of service. More precisely - about the service of mobile devices by different base stations of the operator, each of which is tied to a certain geographical area. Accordingly, at the operator level, it is clear when a particular mobile device has moved from one area to another (moved to service from one base station to another). These anonymous and time aggregated data provide information on the number of mobile devices (the number of owners of these devices) that have moved from one area to another in a given time interval. For example, in 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, etc. This representation of human flows is the basis for transport planning.