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Towards an understanding of the relationship between professional and employing organization

A. B. Boshoff    


AbstractThe position of the professional employee vis-a-vis his/her employing organization is examined. The values adhered to in scientific endeavour and the characteristics of professional work are contrasted with the characteristics of organizational functioning. The primary value adhered to in science is seen as a search for truth resulting in a 'scientific approach'. The differences between conventional wisdom and science are presented. Professional work is seen as a human endeavour characterized by specialized knowledge, high standards of conduct and a search for autonomy of the professions themselves. This is seen to go hand in hand with commitment to their work and a highly developed sense of responsibility displayed by professional people. Organizations are seen as organisms which function in an imperfect manner. The negative effects of this on the people in the organization are noted. A fundamental conflict is seen to emerge between the between system of the professional employee and the demands made by organizations employing professional people. Thoughts are expressed on how this conflict can best be handled. Conflicting empirical findings on the subject are presented and discussed. Some possible explanations for the diversity of findings in this field are offered.Die posisie van die professionele werknemer vis-a-vis die organisasie waar hy of sy in diens is, word ondersoek. Die waardes waaraan in die wetenskaplike werk gehou word en die eienskappe van professionele werk word gekontrasteer met die eienskappe van organisatoriese funksionering. Die primere waarde wat in wetenskapsbeoefening nagestrewe word, word gesien as 'n soeke na die waarheid, wat dan lei tot 'n 'wetenskaplike benadering'. Die verskille tussen algemene kennis en wetenskap word gestel. Professionele werk word gesien as 'n menslike aktiwiteit gekenmerk deur gespesialiseerde kennis, hoe gedragstandaarde en soeke na outonomie. Dit gaan gepaard met werkstoewyding en 'n hoe gevoel van verantwoordelikheid wat deur professionele mense openbaar word. Organisasies word gesien as organismes wat onvolmaak funksioneer. Die negatiewe effekte hiervan op die mense in die organisasie word gestel. 'n Fundamentele konflik word gesien tussen die waardestelsel van die professionele werknemers en die eise wat deur werkgewers aan hulle gestel word. Gedagtes word uitgespreek oor hoe die konflik ten beste hanteer kan word. Botsende empiriese bevindings oor die onderwerp word gestel en bespreek en moontlike verklarings vir die diversiteit van bevindings word aangebied.

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