The subject matter of the article is the informational technology of designing and using of augmented reality visual information structures. The goal of the study is to develop the informational technology of designing and using of augmented reality visual information structures. The following tasks were solved in the article: analysis of the main types of visual markers of augmented reality (AR-markers); formulation of the basic requirements for visual information structures of augmented reality; development of a model of the visual information structure of augmented reality; development of a model of a stable mosaic stochastic marker of augmented reality; development of information technology for the construction and use of visual information structures of augmented reality; analysis of the results of employing a mosaic stochastic marker of augmented reality; assessment of the effectiveness of the employing of the main types of visual markers of augmented reality. The following methods are used: methods of digital image processing, probability theory, mathematical statistics, cryptography and information protection, mathematical apparatus of matrix theory. The following results were obtained: the main types of visual markers of augmented reality were analyzed; the basic requirements for visual information structures of augmented reality are formulated; a model of the visual information structure of augmented reality was developed, the model is the result of the following operations: introducing redundancy, stochastic data reordering, adding a mosaic bit container; the model of a stable mosaic stochastic augmented reality marker has been developed, herewith the redundancy operator is implemented as a resizing message image using the nearest neighbor method, the stochastic data reordering operator is implemented as a pseudo-random pixel permutation, the operator of adding a mosaic bit-container is implemented as a procedure for bit coding by the color of marker cells, which are separated by a frame with an intermediate color; developed informational technology for the designing and employing of visual information structures of augmented reality; the results of employing a mosaic stochastic marker in comparison with other types of visual augmented reality markers were obtained. Conclusions: The description of information technology of construction and use of information structures of augmented reality is carried out on the basis of systematization of its scientific and applied bases. The practical functioning is shown on the example of the developed stable mosaic stochastic marker of augmented reality. Further study is recommended to be continued in the direction of generalization of the developed models and methods of construction and use of mosaic stochastic markers, which, unlike the binaries considered, will use image messages in grayscale and color. Since the prototyping of the proposed algorithms was carried out in the MATLAB programming system, it is proposed to move to the C ++ programming language to build a working prototype, which will allow the implementation of the proposed information technology in the form of libraries for use on Android and iOS mobile platforms.