The subject matter of the research is the financial investment and the application of innovative technologies to improve accounting in the context of investment management as one of the most important components of economic development. The goal is to study the methodology of reflecting financial investments of domestic enterprises. The objectives are to improve accounting of financial investments in the enterprise, to research the development prospects of accounting by introducing innovative technologies through the disclosure of theoretical aspects of research and the estimation of practical aspects of the study, the possibility of using the technology of blockchain in Ukraine to improve the financial reporting taking into account the experience of international partners (foreign countries). The methods used are system analysis and structural analysis. The following results are obtained. The state of investment accounting was analyzed and the prospects of using blockchain technology for improving auditing efficiency, increasing the transparency of financial investments and for counteracting corruption were found. Conclusions. During the analysis of the cause and effect relations of using innovative technologies in accounting, the immaturity of the existing accounting methodology was shown; this immaturity specifies incompleteness, the decline in the adequacy of accounting data in accordance with the realities of investment processes and the development of the industry as a whole. The use of blockchain technology enables restructuring the processes of accounting and their automation and increases the level of transparency of information disclosure by enterprises. Using blockchain for auditing becomes a unique solution as auditing affects all industries and is the foundation that helps global financial markets gain investor confidence. Taking into account the economic problems of Ukraine, the use of blockchain technology will help solve the problems of corruption and capital legalization. Relevant actions will improve the investment climate of Ukraine in the long run.