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Bashir Abuzwida    
Zulkiplie Abd Ghani    
Faizal Bin Kasmani    


Purpose of study:The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) factors and intention towards usage of e-management in Libyan petroleum industry.Methodology:Aseries of appropriate literature is explored and a conceptual model is suggested and deliberated. A review of existing literature recommendsnumerousaspectsaffects behavioral intention of the users.Main findings: This model is set to help the managers and decision makers to understand the importance of e-management.Implications of study:Exploring the theoretical and empirical studies, thefuture study would be valuable and necessary to examine the relationship between expectancy and the overall job acceptance level of e-management including the mediating effect of perceived information quality.Originality/Novelty of study:The proposed conceptual model is both novel and different that is positivelycontributed towards the improvement of the related literature. 

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