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Construction of a mathematical model to describe the dynamics of marine technical systems with elastic links in order to improve the process of their design

Volodymyr Blintsov    
Kostiantyn Trunin    


A mathematical model (MM) has been developed to describe the dynamics of the MTS EL element using an underwater towed system (UTS) as an example, as well as the MM of MTS with EL.The MM of the EL element dynamics makes it possible to take into consideration:1) the movement of a carrier vessel (CV);2) features of the EL design, which affect the functional characteristics MTS; 3) the movement of an underwater vehicle (UV); 4) the impact of obstacles along the path of UV and EL;5) large movements of EL as part of MTS.The mathematical model of MTS with EL makes it possible to solve the following tasks:1) to determine a change in the shape of EL and the forces of its tension in the process of maneuvering of CV and UV taking into consideration sea waves, wind loads on CV, the sea depth and its change in the assigned water area, the mass and elastic properties of EL; 2) to determine the relative position of CV and UV in the process of their maneuvering;3) to determine the maximum loads on EL necessary to assess its strength during the maneuvering of CV and UV.Analysis of design tasks in the construction of marine tethered systems (MTdS) as a variety of MTS reveals that the calculation of MtdS EL is associated with significant theoretical complexity and is science-intensive. The proposed procedure for improving the design of MTS with EL, based on the MM that describes the dynamics of MTS EL (as well as MTS with EL), makes it possible to investigate the different modes of operation of almost all classes of MTdS. Using it could improve existing methods of calculating and designing MTdSs with EL thereby bringing them to the level of an engineering application

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