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Spruce/White Pine Weevil - Stand Establishment Decision Aid

Robert Hodgkinson    
Ken White    
Art Stock    


The spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi) is a major pest in the Northern Interior Forest Region, affecting the growth and development of interior spruce. Repeated weevil attacks to the leading shoots of young interior spruce trees can result in suppressed height growth and stem deformities. Planting genetically resistant seedlings, appropriate provenances, and mixtures of different species, as well as the use of nurse crops, can help reduce the damage from this pest.The Stand Establishment Decision Aid (SEDA) format has been used to extend information on a variety of vegetation and forest health concerns in British Columbia. The SEDA presented in this extension note summarizes information about spruce weevil occurrence and management in the Northern Interior Forest Region. Other areas of the province also have spruce weevil hazard information in previously published SEDAs. The first page of the SEDA outlines the characteristics of susceptible stands, hazard ratings for the region?s biogeoclimatic zones and subzones, and harvesting and silvicultural considerations. The second page provides general information, the life cycle of the insect, symptoms of attack, and forest productivity implications. A valuable resource and reference list that readers can use to find more detailed information is also included. Most reference material that is not available online can be ordered through libraries or the Queen?s Printer at: .

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