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Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa, (1) nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang telah ditanamkan pada siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Magelang adalah: nilai keimanan dan ketaqwaan (imtaq), nilai kejujuran, kedisiplinan, percaya diri dan tanggung jawab, kreatif dan inovatif serta perilaku kerja prestatif, (2) upaya penanaman nilai-nilai kewirausahaan dengan melalui pengintegrasian nilai-nilai kewirausahaan kedalam mapel, pengembangan diri, dan Praktik Kerja Industri, (3) proses implementasi Prakerin dilakukan oleh siswa di industri besar, menengah dan industri kecil atau industri rumah tangga dengan menggunakan sistem block ( block release ) selama 4 5 bulan (4) dampak Prakerin: siswa telah memperoleh tiga kemampuan yakni, peningkatan kemampuan profesional, kemampuan sosial, dan kemampuan pribadi. Penelitian ini menyarankan (1)perlu pembenahan kurikulum dalam rangka penginternalisasian nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang mampu membentuk karakter wirausaha pada peserta didik, (2)peningkatan peran sekolah dan DUDI dalam rangka penanaman nilai-nilai dan jiwa kewirausahaan pada diri peserta didik, (3) perlu pengintegrasian dan pengembangan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan melalui kultur sekolah, dan (4)perlu pengoptimalan kegiatan bisnis di sekolah melalui unit produksi. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ The research used the qualitative approach. The data were analysed using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the research are, (1) the primary entrepreneurship values that are taught to the students of SMK Muhammadiyah Magelang are : the value of faith for God, the value of honesty, discipline, self-confidence and responsibility, creativity and innovation, and work ethics, (2) the attempts to raise the entrepreneurship values are through integration of entrepreneurship values to the class, self-development, and industry job training, (3) the implementation of industry job training is completed by the students in the large, medium and small industry or home industry using block release system for 4 to 5 months, (4) the effects of the industry job training implementation are the students got three kinds of skills, they are the increasing of professionalism, social skills, and personal competence.The research suggests (1) the needs to improve curriculum in the scheme of internalizing the entrepreneurship values that will be able to create an entrepreneurship character for the students, (2) the boosting to the role of school and industry to raise the entrepreneurship values for the students, (3) the need of integration and development of entrepreneurship values through the school culture, and (4) the need of optimization in school business program through production unit in school.

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