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US Unemployment Among Younger Adults And Recommendations To Improve Employment Sustainability

Orlando Rivero    


The United States unemployment rate continues to be a focal point of discussion. Although in July 2012, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an 8.3% unemployment rate in America, this figure only reflects workers between the ages of 16 and older. With this being said, there is a segment of the population unrepresented within the totality of the United States unemployment rate reported. Younger workers between the ages of 16 to 24 years of age have sustained a much higher unemployment rate as compared to older workers. Unfortunately, 93% of these younger workers do not have a high school diploma and the majority of these workers were supporting families. The purpose of this article is to examine several components of the unemployment rate as it relates to younger workers between the ages of 16 to 24 years of age. Recommendations will be offered in an effort to improve employment sustainability among younger workers, which has been an issue that has been ignored for several years until recently.

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