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Efficiency analysis of an induction motor with direct torque and flux control at a hot rolling mill

Rupert Gouws    


This paper presents an efficiency analysis of an induction motor with direct torque and flux control at a hot rolling mill in South Africa. Two scenarios were evaluated: 1) where the induction motor was controlled at a constant speed with a variable thickness slab; and 2) where the speed of the induction motor was controlled according to the thickness of the slab. Both scenarios used the speed as reference to control the torque and flux of the induction motor. A comparison on the energy consumption of the induction motor for both scenarios was done by means of a detailed simulation model. The simulation model for this specific case study is explained in detail. The results obtained showed an increase in the efficiency of the induction motor from the original system (scenario 1) to the improved system (scenario 2). Part of this paper provides an overview on hot rolling mills.

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