Abstrak: Analisis Sikap Konsumen Terhadap Produk Fashion Lokal dan Impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sikap konsumen terhadap produk fashion lokal dan impor yang akan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan konsumsi. Sampel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1.000 mahasiswa dari 10 perguruan tinggi swasta terbesar di Surabaya. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner. Hasil pengujian statistik menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa di Surabaya merasa bangga dan lebih nyaman saat menggunakan produk fashion lokal. Mereka juga mengaku terkesan dengan perkembangan model fashion lokal sehingga tak jarang mereka mengunjungi outlet-outlet produk fashion lokal. Namun pada kenyataannya, mereka cenderung lebih memilih untuk membeli produk fashion impor karena merasa produk fashion impor lebih berkualitas dan bergengsi, meskipun mereka sadar bahwa harga produk fashion lokal lebih terjangkau. Kata kunci: konsumsi, fashion, mahasiswa Abstract: Analysis of Consumer Attitudes on Fashion Local and Imported Products. This study is aimed to analyze consumer attitudes toward local and imported fashion products that will affect consumption decisions. Sample used in this study were 1,000 students from 10 private universities in Surabaya. Data were collected by questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of students in Surabaya feel proud and more comfortable when they wear local fashion products. They were also impressed by the development of local fashion models so they often visit the local fashion outlets. But in fact, they prefer to buy imported fashion products because they believe that imported products have better quality and more prestigious to be worn, even though they are aware that the price of local products are more affordable for them. Keywords: consumption, fashion, student