The development of computer technology which is connected to other devices with the aim to facilitate the work of man experiencing a development. Robot is one of the equipment or technology that is being developed at this time, and is used to assist the work of man. Of the many possible applications of robotic Avoider of the most popular. But this robot can be developed to be developed for robots rockner dust automatic, Of this is then writer have the idea of make the prototype avoider robot reckoner dust automatic, How to work this robot is the robot around the floor flat and avoid persecution and there are fan as the prototype to suck dust. This robot combining hardware and software, use microcontroler arduino as control robot, Ultrasonik HC-SR04 as sesnsor a barrier, fan as the prototype reckoner dust,and driver motor as control the motion of a wheel. With usually clear away dust on the floor flat ecpected arobot can outshine first Keywords : Robot Avoider Vacuum Cleaner, Ultrasonik HC-SR04