Susan Zieger
Pág. Finance an - 68
The early 2020s commonplace that everything seems unreal is a material truth. Advances in logistics are generating more counterfeits. Blockchain technology promises to help stem the deluge of counterfeit products, but the Blockchain dream also reminds us...
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Lucia Shimbo, Daniel Sanfelici
Pág. Finance an - 53
International property consultants (IPCs) have become key intermediaries in the globalization of property markets by providing a range of services that generate transparency and comparability in land and property-based investments. While their role in ge...
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May Portuguez-Castro
In recent years, the concept of open innovation has garnered interest among companies due to its potential for generating new models and practices. This study aimed to explore the potential of open innovation for co-creation in entrepreneurship. To achie...
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José Carlos Vázquez-Parra, Patricia Esther Alonso-Galicia, Marco Cruz-Sandoval, Paloma Suárez-Brito and Martina Carlos-Arroyo
This article presents the results of a study conducted on a sample population of students attending a technological university in western Mexico. The development of the entrepreneurial self-efficacy competency was evaluated within a process of ideation o...
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Priscila Espinosa and Jose M. Pavía
Subnational jurisdictions, compared to the apparatuses of countries and large institutions, have less resources and human capital available to carry out an updated conjunctural follow-up of the economy (nowcasting) and for generating economic predictions...
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