To learn more about the local characteristics related to temperature variation in the urban area of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, we analyzed the temporal and spatial variation of the average air temperature in the parts of the day. Data were collected from 44 monitoring points arrayed along four transects of the city by means of Hobo® weather data loggers housed in mini-shields. The meteorological data were gathered in four campaigns in 2011, corresponding to the four seasons of the year, and stratified by parts of the day (predawn, morning, afternoon and night). In the four transects temperature differences were found between the monitoring points in the periods analyzed. The central and/or densely constructed areas of the city presented the highest temperatures during the night and predawn, while in those with large vehicle circulation, the highest temperature were recorded in the morning and afternoon. The monitoring points with greatest presence of vegetation presented the lowest temperature in all the periods analyzed, thus indicating the microclimatic balance promoted by vegetation.