Saulo Nunes de Carvalho Almeida,Antonia Morgana Coelho Ferreira
Pág. 127 - 134
O presente trabalho visa analisar quais as principais mudanças sugeridas para a reformulação da atual Lei8.313/91, popularmente conhecida como Lei Rouanet. Legislação que incentiva os investimentos culturais no país,tendo como fomento a utilização de ben...
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Lauren Strach,Malcolm Russell
By providing information through factual content, editorial comments, and advertising, the great magazine expansion of the late 19th century reduced market imperfections for many consumer goods. Given the virtual absence of government and non-profit sour...
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James M. O'Donnell
This paper combines personal, practical, and schoiarly perspectives on the Internet frenzy of the late 1990?s, along with lessons that might be gleaned from two of its bubble forebears: Holland?s Tulip Craze of the early 18th Century and England?s South ...
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J. G. Kotzé,N. P. Du Preez
AbstractThe importance of formal processes of planning and control in any organization has been recognized for the last two decades. Planning and replanning require some form of forecasting. Unfortunately, most forecasts utilized in practice consist of a...
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Linda Human
AbstractThis paper argues that, with respect to the black manager in a white world, our theories, methodologies and research programmes have tended to concentrate on behaviour and frequency at the expense of experience and meaning, with the result that w...
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