An increase of the energetic efficiency of the economy is one of the priority goals of EU policy. In all the sectors of the EU-28 countries this goal has been achieved. However, in the transport sector, which is especially dependent on the supplies of crude oil, the energy consumption continues to increase. This is why, a wider use of alternative fuels is one of the ways of increasing the transport energy efficiency and decrease the dependency on crude oil. In transportation, there is a chance to increase the use of electricity and natural gas. However, the use of these energy sources in transport depends on the development of appropriate infrastructure. The requirements regarding the technical specification of the alternative fuel infrastructure and the time horizon for the construction of these facilities have been described in the European Parliament and Council Directive of 22.10.2014 on the development of alternative fuels infrastructure. In Poland, the development directions regarding the use of alternative fuels in transport and the goals of the transport infrastructure development have been set out in the year 2016 in the national framework for the policy of alternative fuels infrastructure development.