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Przemyslaw Borkowski    


The paper deals with the problem of risk identification in transport related innovative processes. While transport innovations can be both technology and process driven, the common feature is their unpredictable character. Inventions are not always rapidly introduced into transport systems, nor are they willingly accepted by users. While analysis of different risk sources associated with the innovations which have been introduced in recent years or which are in development for different modes of transport is conducted the risks which accompany them are identified. The framework for risk capturing in those transport innovative processes is proposed, helping in proper risk identification for the purposes of transport innovative process managers. The risks are distributed in accordance with the principle of three transmission channels: risks impacting the cost, time and acceptance of transport innovations. Then, traditional risk classifications are clustered into this new framework. The overall result is a risk identification framework which could be used by transport innovators and which is capable of accounting for the transport sector specificity. 

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