Automatic sliding door is a media which is used as an outlet for recreation. To simplify the work needed a tool that is more effective and efficient. The microcontroller is an electronic component that is widely used recently to use automated tools or even in the field of robotics. The purpose of this study is to create a prototype of an automatic sliding door drive. To simplify the job opening, controlling and closing the door to the door of a sale at the recreation park designed a prototype automated sliding door drive with ATMega16 microcontroller dc motor control as the driving source of mechanical door. The design of these tools utilize the H-Bridge driver dc motor as the driving mechanical automatic sliding door, light sensor and rain sensor as input, as well as limiting rotation limit switch dc motor which then drives the door. In general, the prototype drive automatic opening and closing of the door was designed using LDR light sensor, rain sensor, microcontroller ATMega 16, IC 7805, IC 7809 and H-Bridge DC motor drive. Microcontroller receives input from a light sensor and rain sensor, then the microcontroller gives the output to the H-Bridge. Furthermore, the output of the H-Bridge DC Motor input that serves to open and close the door. Prototype drive automatic opening and closing of the door can make it easier to open and close the door so as to save time and effort. It can be concluded that the automatic sliding door drive prototype can be used as a basis if someone wants to make a good automatic driving system sliding door or open the actual lid. Keywords: Microcontroller ATMega16, H- Bridge L298, Automated Door.