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On The Path To World Peace: Learning To Conscientiously Share The Supply Of Fresh Water

Carol Shepherd    


On a global level, water has become a commodity that is no longer taken for granted. Whether it is due to determining the rights to water, or determining the channeling of water with dams to create reservoirs for consumption, water violence has become a reality. Many believe that intelligence is correlated with water consumption, and that six to eight glasses of water a day contribute to cognitive functioning of individuals (Garchik, 1999; Howard-Jones, 2008). Significant contention had developed between users of water for agriculture, industry, and households. Such environmental conflict situations tend to be both challenging and convoluted. These situations are affected by the difference in priorities of the stakeholders and resource management decisions (Walker, Daniels, & Emborg, 2008). As a result, solutions can be quite complicated and difficult to resolve.

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