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Ary Setyadi    


UD. Sony Permata is a company engaged in the precious stone industry. As one of the businesses that intend to provide the needs of the community in the form of accessories and decoration .For the current system is still using manual and not computerized.Of these problems led to the idea to create a web-based application, which in it can make the sale and valuation of precious stones. The methodology used in the making of this application is the Waterfall method. PHP is a programming language and MySQL database. Tools and Editors used is XAMPP, and Notepad ++. Supported by the availability of the Internet network in the company. This application will be used as a medium of sales and precious stones based assessment criteria. This site contains a home page menu, profile, compare, count, Terms, Product, Shop cart, Download, Contact. The website is expected to help in marketing the product from UD. Sony Permata and assist customers in purchasing and selecting precious stones.Keyword : Information Systems, UD. Sony Permata, Precious Stones, Sales, Rate

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