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Timoticin Kwanda    
Hasan Oetomo    


The occupancy rate of luxurious condominiums in Surabaya keep on decreasing. There are manyreasons for these problems, among others economic crisis that weakened market-buying capability(external) and decreased preferences to reside (internal). The internal factor comprises of occupant?ssatisfaction, environmental influences, individual consumers and marketer stimuli. The purpose ofthe research is to know according to the assessment of the occupants which of these four factors, ishigher and more dominant. The occupants surveyed are the occupants of the luxurious condominiumsin Surabaya, such as Paragon, Beverly, Puri Matahari, Regency, Graha Famili, and Puri Darmo.Samples were taken with Purposive Sampling method and collected through questioners. Anova isused to analyse the data with SPS 2000 program. The result showed that there are no significantdifferences of occupant?s satisfaction, environmental influences, individual consumers and marketerstimuli on the six observed condominiums. Meanwhile according to the mean, occupant?s satisfaction,individual consumers and marketer stimuli are dominant at Puri Matahari, and environmentalinfluences are dominant at Puri Darmo. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tingkat hunian kondominium mewah di Surabaya terus menurun tajam. Hal yang menjadipenyebabnya antara lain krisis ekonomi yang memperlemah daya beli pasar (eksternal) danmenurunnya minat menempati (internal). Faktor internal adalah kepuasan penghuni,environmental influences, individual consumers dan marketer stimuli. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui penilaian penghuni kondominium mewah di Surabaya, yaitu Paragon, Beverly,Puri Matahari, Regency, Graha Famili, dan Puri Darmo terhadap keempat faktor ini. Ingindiketahui faktor mana yang lebih tinggi dan lebih dominan peranannya. Pengambilan sampelmenggunakan metode Purposive Sampling dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Analisisdata menggunakan Anova dengan program SPS 2000. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak adaperbedaan yang signifikan antara faktor kepuasan penghuni dan peranan environmental influences,individual consumers dan marketer stimuli pada keenam kondominium. Sedangkan berdasarkanrerata diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor kepuasan penghuni, individual consumers, dan marketerstimuli dominan pada Puri Matahari, dan faktor environmental influences dominan pada PuriDarmo.

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