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Inicio  /  Jurnal Go Infotech  /  Vol: 20 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2014)  /  Artículo


Agung Koes Indarto    
Rahajeng Ratnaningsih    


Utilization of information technology is very useful in helping management and payrolladministration transaction data at the outlet as at the pump level is very high transaction if only donemanually it is very vulnerable to the occurrence of fraud because reporting systems rely on a human matter.The purpose of administrative information systems made this gas station is to generate the output / reporttransactions quickly and accurately to avoid cheating recaps every shift. Information Systems Administrationand the gas station employee wages made by the keel Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2005 and SQL Server2000 database. The results of the study are expected to provide an information system that helps minimizehuman error at the outlet in terms of output / administrative reports, thereby reducing the level of corruption.Keywords : Information Systems Administration, SPBU

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