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Die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs as rasionele kapitaalmark

Leon M. Brummer    
Pieter J. Jacobs    


AbstractThe Johannesburg Stock Exchange as an efficient market. Finality has not yet been reached on the question whether the Johannesburg Stock Exchange complies with the requirements of the efficient market hypothesis. The results of the research that are published in this article is therefore an attempt to make a contribution to the debate regarding the Johannesburg Stock Exchange as an efficient market. By way of serial correlations as well as runs tests an investigation was carried out into the behaviour of the prices of 94 quoted shares for the period 1970 to 1977. The results of the study give rise to the conclusion that the Johannesburg Stock Exchange does not statistically comply with the weak form of the efficient market hypothesis (the random walk hypothesis), as a measure of dependence between successive price changes was found. Seen from an economic point of view it is, however, doubtful whether investors could use this small degree of dependence between price changes to gain higher returns on share investments.Uitsluitsel met betrekking tot die mate waartoe die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs aan die vereistes vir 'n rasionele mark voldoen, is nog nie verkry nie. Die resultate wat in hierdie artikel voorkom is daarom 'n poging om 'n bydrae in die debat rakende die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs as 'n rasionele mark, te maak. 'n Ondersoek na die markpryse van 94 genoteerde aandele vir die periode 1970-77 is deur middel van reekskorrelasiekoeffisiente en die lopietoets uitgevoer. Die resultate van die studie gee aanleiding tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs nie statisties aan die swak vorm van die rasionele markhipotese (die willekeurige beweging van markpryse) voldoen nie, aangesien 'n mate van afhanklikheid tussen opeenvolgende prysveranderings gevind is. Uit 'n ekonomiese oogpunt gesien is dit egter twyfelagtig of beleggers hierdie afhanklikheid sal kan aanwend om hoer opbrengste op aandelebeleggings te bewerkstellig.

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