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Project Crashing Using Excel Solver: A Simple AON Network Approach

Kunpeng Li    
Bin Shao    
Pamela Zelbst    


This paper introduces a new and efficient AON-Solver approach to solve project crashing problems. The new approach uses conventional critical path concepts to determine the project completion time and to define network structures in Excel. It is simple and straightforward, with less decision variables and constraints than the existing AOA-Solver approach, which relies on tracking event times of the nodes in the AOA network. Also, there is no requirement to deal with dummy variables, which are often problematic, but frequently required in many AOA networks. In addition, most of the students and business practitioners are more familiar and comfortable with AON network. It would be more appealing and accessible for them to learn and to implement a computerized approach to solve project crashing problems, and to better understand the cost-time tradeoffs in project crashing.

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