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Regeneration and Growth Following Mountain Pine Beetle Attack: A Synthesis of Knowledge

Amalesh Dhar    
Chris D.B. Hawkins    


The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins; MPB) infestation has altered forests of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) to an unprecedented extent in British Columbia. After an MPB outbreak, advance regeneration significantly contributed to form a new canopy and stand; however, the time needed to form a new stand depends on site-specific conditions. Assessment of regeneration and the growth of residual trees in stands after MPB attack are critical for three purposes: (1) forecasting long-term development (yield) of attacked stands; (2) selecting stands for growth-improving silvicultural treatments; and (3) forecasting impacts to ecological attributes such as hydrology, habitat, and vegetation types. This article reviews and synthesizes recent research concerning lodgepole pine stand performance after MPB attack in British Columbia. Species composition, abundance, spatial distribution, and overall stand health are described. This information is important for forest managers or practitioners who make decisions regarding management of MPB-attacked stands. Moreover, a number of key gaps exist in our knowledge about factors affecting advance regeneration and the residual trees of MPB-attacked stands. This article presents a list of knowledge gaps for management information and further research initiatives.

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