AbstractThe influence of consumer's perception and attitudes in forming retail store images. The consumer's image of a specific retail store is influenced by functional inputs such as the quality and variety of products, price policy, advertising, sales personnel, and external and internal appearance of the store. Several subjective forces are also active in the process of store image creation and are due to the consumer's individual evaluation of the above-mentioned functional forces. The operation of these subjective forces can be better understood if the factors that influence consumer behaviour such as motivation, perception, attitudes, learning experiences, personality, culture, social groups and the family are taken into account. In this article two of these subjective factors, namely perception and attitudes, are analysed to illustrate how the functional inputs are revised into a specific store image.<br/Die beeld wat verbruikers van 'n kleinhandelsinstelling vorm, word deur bepaalde funksionele insette soos verskeidenheid en gehalte van voorraad, prysbeleid, advertensies, verkoopspersoneel, en eksterne en interne voorkoms van die winkel beinvloed. In die beeldvormingsproses is daar egter ook subjektiewe kragte werksaam wat grootliks te wyte is aan die verbruikers se individuele evaluasie van bogenoemde funksionele aspekte, en die kan beter begryp word indien gelet word op die faktore wat verbruikersgedrag beinvloed, byvoorbeeld behoeftes en motiewe, persepsle, houdings, leer-ervaring, persoonlikheid, kultuur, sosiale groepe en die gesin. In hierdie artikel word twee van hierdie subjektiewe faktore, naamlik persepsie en houdings, in meer detail ontleed om te illustreer hoe die funksionele insette verwerk word tot 'n bepaalde winkelbeeld.