This study aims at analyzing the variables of use and contact of users regarding to products and services of mobile phone technology. Technological innovation stands in the enterprise, enabling growth and creation of new products and services. In the theoretical framework, we used the technology readiness model, from users beliefs and feelings represented by four dimensions: optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity. It also highlights the technology acceptance model and presents two important constructs as perceived usefulness and ease of use. In short, the factors that support the technology readiness model could be preceding the technology acceptance model. To conduct this study, a field survey of students at the Federal University of Uberlândia / Campus FACIP was carried out. Results indicate optimism as the main factor to accept new mobile technology, due to the fact that the mobile devices provide benefits to people's lives and prompt them a positive attitude toward mobile technology. The perception of the user to purchase a mobile device is directly related to its usefulness and ease of handling of the technology.