Many people in our country reside in their own property but also many other live by paying ?rent? which means handing over a residence, property or vehicle by its owner to another person for a period of time in return for a certain price. There are articles on rental contracts both in the Turkish Law of Obligations (no. 6098) and in the Repealed Law on Real Estate Rentals (no. 6570). In Law No. 6570, specific articles are present for the regulation of both the leasing of real estates with roofs within the boundaries of municipalities and the leasing of existing real estates with roofs on piers, seaports and stations outside the boundaries of municipalities. In this paper, the subject of "evacuation due to need of residence" in Turkish Law on Obligations no 6098 will be examined by taking into account the subject of "evacuation due to need of residence" regulated in the article 7 of abolished law no 6570 as well.