Maize, a highly cultivated multipurpose cereal has different varieties grown globally. Six majorly known varieties (Hybrid red solo- V1, Red solo- V2, Solo- V3, Popcorn- V4, Small white- V5 and Big white- V6) found in south-western Nigeria were purposefully selected because of their abundance across the region and were analyzed for their proximate composition. Their composition of different nutrients varied; % crude fat was significantly higher in V5 (4.25%), V4 had a significantly higher % ash content of 1.93%, % crude protein ranged from 9.32% 15.75%, V2 had a significantly low % crude fibre of 0.86%, while V1 had a significantly higher % carbohydrate content of 74.40%. Knowledge of the levels of nutrients present in the different varieties will help in choosing the variety that can suit any intended purpose. V6 (Big white) seems to be the most preferable for human and animal consumption because of its significantly high content in protein and crude fibre coupled with a considerably high fat content.