This article presents the state of air pollution resulting from means of transport and its unsettling by noise generated by means of transport. Attention is paid to increase of the number of automobiles in Poland and the influence of it on the environment from the perspective of environmental pollution and safety. Statistical medical data referring to negative influence of transport on human health were indicated. The problem of environmental pollution caused by transport in the view of presented own results of the team and the analysis of research results of other teams lead to conclusion that it is not easy and possible to solve it soon when transport is developing so intensely. There are a few reasons, the most significant are: very high traffic volume (high index of the number of automobiles per inhabitants), high-density of housing, which does not allow to use screens and green belts separating roadways from houses, lack of systemic solutions allowing common use of public transport in agglomerations, lack of system controlling traffic with traffic lights (cyclic traffic flow), congestion.Prace sfinansowano z dzialalnosci statutowej nr 05/52/DSPB/0226.