The assessment process in an educational system is an important and primordial part of its success to assure the correct way of knowledge transmission and to ensure that students are working correctly and succeed to acquire the needed knowledge. In this study, we aim to include Semantic Web technologies in the E-learning process, as new components. We use Semantic Web (SW) to: 1) support the evaluation of open questions in e-learning courses, 2) support the creation of questions and exams automatically, 3) support the evaluation of exams created by the system. These components should allow for measuring academic performance, providing feedback mechanisms, and improving participative and collaborative ideas. Our goal is to use Semantic Web and Wireless technologies to design and implement the assessment system that allows the students, to take: web-based tutorials, quizzes, free exercises, and exams, to download: course reviews, previous exams and their model answers, to access the system through the Mobile and take quick quizzes and exercises. The system facilitates generation of automatic, balanced, and different exam sheets that contain different types of questions covering the entire curriculum, and display gradually from easiness to difficulty. The system provides the teachers and administrators with several services such as: store different types of questions, generate exams with specific criteria, and upload course assignments, exams, and reviews.