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Inicio  /  Instruments  /  Vol: 3 Par: 1 (2019)  /  Artículo

Measurement of the Beam Energy Distribution of a Medical Cyclotron with a Multi-Leaf Faraday Cup

Konrad P. Nesteruk    
Luca Ramseyer    
Tommaso S. Carzaniga and Saverio Braccini    


Accurate knowledge of the beam energy distribution is crucial for particle accelerators, compact medical cyclotrons for the production of radioisotopes in particular. For this purpose, a compact instrument was developed, based on a multi-leaf Faraday cup made of thin aluminum foils interleaved with plastic absorbers. The protons stopping in the aluminum foils produce a measurable current that is used to determine the range distribution of the proton beam. On the basis of the proton range distribution, the beam energy distribution is assessed by means of stopping-power Monte Carlo simulations. In this paper, we report on the design, construction, and testing of this apparatus, as well as on the first measurements performed with the IBA Cyclone 18-MeV medical cyclotron in operation at the Bern University Hospital.

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