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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 9 Par: 12 (2018)  /  Artículo

A Quick Algorithm for Binary Discernibility Matrix Simplification using Deterministic Finite Automata

Nan Zhang    
Baizhen Li    
Zhongxi Zhang and Yanyan Guo    


The binary discernibility matrix, originally introduced by Felix and Ushio, is a binary matrix representation for storing discernible attributes that can distinguish different objects in decision systems. It is an effective approach for feature selection, knowledge representation and uncertainty reasoning. An original binary discernibility matrix usually contains redundant objects and attributes. These redundant objects and attributes may deteriorate the performance of feature selection and knowledge acquisition. To overcome this shortcoming, row relations and column relations in a binary discernibility matrix are defined in this paper. To compare the relationships of different rows (columns) quickly, we construct deterministic finite automata for a binary discernibility matrix. On this basis, a quick algorithm for binary discernibility matrix simplification using deterministic finite automata (BDMSDFA) is proposed. We make a comparison of BDMR (an algorithm of binary discernibility matrix reduction), IBDMR (an improved algorithm of binary discernibility matrix reduction) and BDMSDFA. Finally, theoretical analyses and experimental results indicate that the algorithm of BDMSDFA is effective and efficient.

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