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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 13 Par: 10 (2022)  /  Artículo

Interoperable Test Cases to Mediate between Supply Chain?s Test Processes

Marco Franke and Klaus-Dieter Thoben    


Heterogeneous test processes with respect to test script languages are an integral part of the development process of mechatronic systems that are carried out in supply chains. Up to now, test cases are not exchangeable between test processes because interoperability is not given. The developed approach enables the source-to-source compiling of test cases between test script languages. With this, the interoperability of test cases is achieved, and seamless integration within the supply chain is possible. The developed approach uses transcompilers as a baseline. In doing so, an interoperability model for test cases is presented. Based on the interoperability model, a source-to-source compiling for test cases is shown. The outcome is a prototype that handles test script languages, which are different with respect to type safety and applied programming paradigms. The approach ensures that test cases are still understandable and usable for test reports. The evaluation confirms the translation capabilities as well as the readability of the generated test case for the high-lift scenario from aviation. The interoperability of test cases within the supply chain enables the formalisation of procedural test knowledge to be used in a broad range of future scenarios, such as test automation, digital twins and predictive maintenance.

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